History of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Chandigarh

The Ramakrishna Mission was registered as a charitable society on 4th May 1909 under the Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860 revised according to West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961) and its registration number is S/1917 of 1909-10. In 1944 a centre of this spiritual, cultural and philanthropic organization was started at Lahore, the then capital of undivided Punjab. However, when the centre was in the process of gaining ground, it had to be closed in the aftermath of partition in 1947.
The Ramakrishna Mission then decided to restart the work in Punjab by building up a centre at Chandigarh, the new planned capital. In 1955, on due payment, the Punjab Government allotted a piece of about 3 acres of land in Sector 15-B on the Madhya Marg. The work of the Centre was started in 1956 in rented houses and it was moved into its own premises on 27th November 1958.